Everything Changes

According to the Buddhist world view, all things are subject to change and impermanence.
- Description
If you look around, can you find anything that does not change over time? One of the key components of the Buddhist world view is the understanding that all things are subject to change and impermanence. How does that work, and is it true for us? Can we find something permanent? How can we live with everything changing and use it to our advantage instead of falling into despair?
- Materials
Buddhist Stories
DOCUMENT   (.pdf)
"That will pass" story
DOCUMENT   (.pdf)
Freddie the Leaf
DOCUMENT   (.pdf)
Kisa Gotami and the Mustard Seed
DOCUMENT   (.pdf)
The Hotel Palace
VIDEO   (Youtube)
The Story of Kisa Gotami
Play Video
Detailed Subject Knowledge
DOCUMENT   (.pdf)
Everything changes teacher's notes
VIDEO   (Youtube)
Sand mandala video
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Lesson Activities and Reflections
DOCUMENT   (.pptx)
Everything changes slides
DOCUMENT   (.pdf)
Hanami flowers activity
DOCUMENT   (.pdf)
Mandala activity
VIDEO   (Youtube)
Time lapse 1
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VIDEO   (Youtube)
Time lapse 2
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Lived Experience