All Topics 5–11
How these resources can be used
The resources in this section address a wide range of educational situations and their use is quite flexible. Teachers can therefore select the approach they wish to follow on a particular topic and may choose a different approach on another topic. The following points offer general guidelines on how the different types of resource can best be used.
Windows into Buddhism uses stars in order to differentiate materials by levels of understanding and capability. You will see these stars in worksheets and presentations. They can be used to differentiate teaching methods within your class, or to search for materials suited for your class level and age group.
Group formations
The icons with different faces show our suggestions about how any given activity can be done: either as an individual task, in pairs, in small groups, or in the whole class.
As teachers know their groups the best, these are only suggestions to guide you. They are not strict guidelines and we invite you to be creative and use your own judgment in deciding what best suits your students.

These slides structure and summarise the main points on a particular topic. They can be used as a framework to organize a lesson, either online or in the classroom. Where appropriate the slides refer to additional resources available on this website that can be brought into the lesson to expand on certain points. The slides can also be useful for revision with students filling in the appropriate logic and detail.
Most sets of Powerpoint slides begin with a starter slide that can be up on the screen as students enter the classroom and that serves as a focus for reflection before the class begins. Each series of slides concludes either with a summary of main points or a question for discussion.
All the pdfs are downloadable. These text documents summarize important points around a topic and can serve:
as study material that teachers unpack with students in class
as study material that students read for homework either in preparation for a class or after a class
some documents, such as charts and tables, are useful for memorization and revision.
These can be downloaded and filled in by students. They are especially useful as a way of establishing what a student has learned on a particular topic, either in the form of assessment or self-assessment.
All videos on this site last between 5 and 15 minutes, with the average being around 10 minutes. They are therefore short enough to be shown in class as a way of going into more depth or stimulating discussion. There are two types of video content. Some videos present subject knowledge in a straightforward manner to enable teachers to introduce a topic through video rather than through their own words. The second type of video concerns personal testimonies from modern Buddhists who hail from different Buddhist traditions. They give voice to the understanding of their tradition and showcase the lived experience of that tradition.
The videos can also be recommended to students as supplementary material that they can watch on their own to broaden their understanding.
The short audios on this site – usually less than 5 minutes long – showcase musical elements associated with the various Buddhist traditions. They include chants from Theravada Buddhism, and from Ch’an or Zen, and mantras and prayers from Tibetan Buddhism. The music gives an atmospheric flavor of the way Buddhism is lived and experienced.
Windows into Buddhism works with a small number of partners with whom we share links. Where appropriate you may therefore find a link to a resource on a partner site.