Mindfulness and Meditation

Meditation is a way to bring our mind home.
- Description
How can we deal with ourselves and be stable like a mountain, especially when strong emotions like anger and jealousy come up?
How can we learn to get along with ourselves, to just be with ourselves?
How can we clear our mind when we have too many thoughts?
We are often restless and distracted. As a result we get lost in our thoughts and emotions.
From a Buddhist point of view, meditation is a way to bring the mind home and to understand the mind, its thoughts, and its emotions in a better way.
- Materials
Buddhist Stories
DOCUMENT   (.pdf)
Ananda and the river story
DOCUMENT   (.pdf)
The monkeys and the hermit story
Detailed Subject Knowledge
DOCUMENT   (.pdf)
Mindfulness and meditation book list
DOCUMENT   (.pdf)
Mindfulness and meditation teacher's notes
Lesson Activities and Reflections
DOCUMENT   (.mp3)
Breathing in, breathing out
DOCUMENT   (.pdf)
Breathing in, breathing out lyrics
DOCUMENT   (.pdf)
Distraction game activity
DOCUMENT   (.pdf)
Mind in the jar activity
DOCUMENT   (.pdf)
Mindful eating activity
DOCUMENT   (.pdf)
Mindful walking activity
DOCUMENT   (.pptx)
Mindfulness and meditation slides
VIDEO   (Youtube)
Mindfulness of an object
Play Video
VIDEO   (Youtube)
Mindfulness of the body
Play Video
VIDEO   (Youtube)
Mindfulness of the breath
Play Video
Lived Experience
VIDEO   (Youtube)
Why do I like to meditate?
Play Video
DOCUMENT   (.pdf)
Mindful walk differentiated activity and worksheet