In the story Siddhartha Gautama leaves his wealthy life as a prince to seek an answer to his question...
- Topic Details
- Last modified: June 5, 2023
- Description
For Buddhists, the life story of the Buddha is a source of inspiration and learning whereas for modern historians it is a thorny puzzle that mixes fact and legend almost inextricably. The Buddha was unique amongst the world’s religious leaders insofar as he was not a prophet and not divine, so the story of his life and of his enlightenment serves as a model for all human beings to emulate. In the story Siddhartha Gautama leaves his wealthy life as a prince to seek an answer to his question: how can I end suffering for myself and others and attain lasting happiness and peace? After travelling around northern India consulting many wise teachers he sits under a bodhi tree and decides to remain seated until he finds his answer.
If your students can handle, and would like, more in-depth knowledge about this topic you can explore the 16-19 section here.
- Tips
- Materials
Buddhist Stories
Detailed Subject Knowledge
Lesson Activities and Reflections
Lived Experience